Weekly Music Review and Fixing an error ( #100DaysToOffload Day 29)

So this “review” is technically a week late. After the last post i neglected to pick up the new album and did not realize until the end of the week.

So for the last week i've been listening to Daze of the Future by Mr. 45. If you recall i picked this album from the surprise me section of Bandcamp and i must say i was very pleased with it. It's a bit more on the dark side which is part of what i enjoyed about it. I guess i don't have much else to say about it than that. It's some good (dark)synthwave music which is just what i'm into these days.

Onto the next one which i've already picked up to avoid the same situation as last time. This week i'll be listening to Calypso Drip FM by Gryff. This is a debut album which makes it that much more worth a listen. I picked it for 2 reasons.

  1. The cover is very inviting.
  2. The description of the inspiration for this album is something i can really appreciate.

Lets see where it goes.

As some of you may know i run my own Git using Sourcehut. See Part 1 and Part 2 of my adventure getting it setup.

Well a little while ago i messed up the actual Git part. What caused the mess up was letting it fall too many versions behind and got me to this mess. You can see my posts and “solution” at the bottom of that. I'll summarize. When the latest version was trying to apply the DB migrations it was running into a situation of needing a later migration applied before the “next” one. So my “solution to this was to force re-order the process. This did get everything to apply but left me in such a state that i needed to re-force that order with each update. It would result in this

upgrading git.sr.ht 100%
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
ERROR [alembic.util.messaging] Requested revision d42e577c5dcd overlaps with other requested revisions c167cf8a1271
FAILED: Requested revision d42e577c5dcd overlaps with other requested revisions c167cf8a1271
error: command failed to execute correctly

I lived with this for a while then it hit me. That revision must be stored somewhere in the DB and i just need to correct that and all should be good. It was truly that simple. In the git.sr.ht DB there is a alembic_version table. This table should only contain 1 row. The latest migration applied. In my case it contained 2. So the real solution was to delete the 2nd row(the one not matching up with the latest revision). Once this was done everything went just fine with the next update of git.sr.ht. So the moral of this story is to keep things up-to-date. Especially when something is considered in alpha status.

That is all for now.

Until next time. Be safe!


#Music #Tech #SelfHost

Until next time. Stay safe!

G @mgrondin@youdabomb.social