G's Blog


Weekly Music Review ( #100DaysToOffload Day 23)

So this week will be a quick post. During this past week i have been listening to The Record Of The Returning Race by Pagan Spirit. First i'll be honest i have not listen to the whole album yet so i may revisit this one later but i did want to keep the schedule of posts going.

This album is a pure metal album from the first second there is no doubt what you are in for. Simply RAW power in music. Great heavy rifts paired up with fairly low growly vocals make for a wild ride. If you are a metal fan do yourself a favor and check out this album.

Along the way i realized something. Maybe my musical tastes are moving away from such metal. I did not find myself enjoying it as much as i was expecting or even as much as i have enjoyed other metal albums in the past. Maybe it was simply due to being more tired than normal this past week or my musical tastes truly changing. Time will tell if this keeps up. Like i said i'll revisit this album for sure.

Onto the next one. Because of the above feelings i've gone with something less like my usual tastes. This weeks album is Virtual Trails by Milchomalefic. A brand new release in the darksynth/synthwave genre. Synthwave is a genre i started exploring at the start of this year(2020) and i've quite enjoyed it. Lets see where this one takes me.

Before i leave you for another week i'll just plug my #Peertube channel just because i'm finally doing stuff with it. Find that here

Well that's all for now.

Until next time. Be Safe!


#Music #Peertube

Until next time. Stay safe!

G @mgrondin@youdabomb.social

Weekly Music Review and New Endeavor ( #100DaysToOffLoad Day 22)

So last week i checked out Black Cat by Silver Dunes. This short EP is classified as Experimental music and i suppose i can see why. It is not quite like anything else i've ever heard. I listened to the whole EP around 5-7 times. The first time, i'll be honest, i was not sure how i would listen to it again. But in the spirit of the “project” i gave it another listen. Every listen after i found myself enjoying it more. It is still not the kind of music i would listen to all the time but it's enjoyable. It's to describe exactly what this album is like because i little reference for something like this. It's worth a listen for sure. Where it think it would fit it great is as ambiance music to a casual sit down party.

So now this week i will be listening to The Record of the Returning Race by Pagan Spirit. I chose this album both because the album cover was interesting and because i wanted to return to something i am more familiar with. METAL! Can't wait to give this one a listen.

Now something else i've wanted to delve into was recording/posting videos. Either game play or software feature. But i never found just the right tools to do so. But now that i found out about OBS i think i can accomplish this very easy. So i've purchased a inexpensive mic to get started and plan on trying my hand at it. I wont set any kind of schedule for video releases it will be whenever i find/make the time. I will probably do a few different things. Some game walk/play through and some one offs of other games. I'll be posting these exclusively on my #Peertube instance.

Videos will be posted here for gaming vids and here for more general/random things.

Now that i have a mic i plan to restart my play through of Full Throttle so i can add some commentary to it. Should be able to get at least part one done in the next few days(i hope) so watch for that.

At some point i MAY start streaming as well. After i get a little more comfortable doing it but for now it will be just posting.

Well that's all for now.

Until next time. Be Safe!


#Music #Gaming #Peertube #Videos

Until next time. Stay safe!

G @mgrondin@youdabomb.social